

Life isn’t easy. Don’t do it alone.  

God didn’t create us to journey through life on our own. That’s why we encourage everyone at Easton to join a Small Group. It is our hope you find a smaller group of people you can go through life with and deepen the presence of God in your life.

Our Small Groups meet either weekly or alternating weeks at host homes in multiple locations. Groups are always open and you’re always welcome to join anytime. To get started, fill out the form below to get connected with the right group. Questions? E-mail


Our mission is to nurture and encourage women of all ages and life situations to be fully devoted to Jesus and a godly influence to others. We all have burdens that can be lightened through prayer, the Word and fellowship with other Christian women. We have a core group of women who lead Bible studies, events, and retreats throughout the year to encourage one another. Additionally, we strive for every woman at Easton to be prayed and cared for. Studies happen on Tuesday mornings, Wednesday nights & Sunday mornings. To find out more information,  Contact us here


The men at Easton gather to provide growth opportunities through weekly small group Bible studies, periodic events and service projects. A men’s study meets on Wednesday Nights from 6:30 - 8 pm. General Bible study and always a time of prayer.

Monthly breakfasts meet on the second Saturday of the month at 8am in the 1811 room. The Wednesday night study meets weekly in Room 104 of our Learning Center. Both events break for the summer. Other events are planned throughout the year like the Men’s Grill-N-Chill and our Men’s Pasta and Winter Olympics. For more information, contact us here.


Gathering to help young adults grow in their relationship with Jesus as they navigate through a challenging time of their life. Our purpose is to help young adults continue to follow Jesus, grow together and demonstrate His love towards others. Our desire is a community of young adults that passionately follow Jesus and have a desire to serve Him. There’s always a seat for someone new! Questions? Contact us here.