What is re:generation?

Re:generation is a 12-step discipleship ministry based on the principles of healing and life
transformation found in the Bible.

Why attend re:generation?

God desires us to have freedom, friendship, and fullness of life.


At some level we all experience brokenness. At re:generation, we believe that people can experience growth and new life by working through the healing path God has given us in the Bible. So whether you are struggling with drugs, alcohol, codependency, pornography, eating disorders, depression, abuse, pride, anger, or obsessive thoughts, come as you are and find a God who loves you, has a plan for you, and wants to restore you.

Want to know more?
CLICK HERE for more information and
testimonies about re:generation.


Complete this StruggleFinder survey to gain insight into your struggles and discover your next best steps.


The purpose of the EBC Prayer Ministry is simple, it is to be faithful, dedicated and committed to bring our requests to the King of Kings. Individual and corporate prayer is fundamental to being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Prayer is a foundational part to everything God has called us to as a church. We make prayer a priority every time we gather together. We believe that God desires for us to be a house of prayer for all nations (Mark 11:17). We are intentional to make sure prayer is a part of everything that happens here at EBC. It is our desire and belief that through prayer, we can be a part of His wonderful work because we know to whom we pray. If Jesus, His son knew the importance of prayer, how much more should we as children of God, be on our knees in prayer? Prayer gives our sovereign God and opportunity to show of His miraculous power, and we believe we can do nothing without Him. Thank you God, that You allow us to be a part of Your supernatural work.
If you would like to receive prayer mail and be added to the prayer mail list, please email cbaker@ebc.org.